Passion in shape of a Cork Stopper

Natural Stoppers

Natural cork stoppers are manufactured by drilling from a single piece of cork. They exist in cylindrical or conical form and in several dimensions.

Multi-Part Stoppers

Natural multi-part stoppers are manufactured from two or more natural cork halves bonded together through a glue certified to be in contact with food.

Colmated Stoppers

The colmated stoppers are natural cork stoppers with the pores (lenticels) filled exclusively with cork powder resulting from the rectification of the natural cork stoppers.

Champagne Stoppers

As the name suggests, this cork stoppers are specially designed to seal champagne, sparkling wines or sparkling wines and cider.

Technical Stoppers

Technical stoppers are designed to bottle wines intended to be consumed, typically within 2 to 3 years. They are made up of a very thick agglomerated cork with natural cork disks.

Micro Granulated Stoppers

Micro granulated stoppers are new generation corks with a particle cork body of specific granolometry. These granules are glued together by an approved food contact adhesive.

Agglomerated Stoppers

Stoppers made entirely from cork granulates from by-products resulting from the production of natural stoppers. They can be manufactured by individual molding or by extrusion.

Capped Caps (Bartops)

Cork stopper whose top is placed a capsule from wood, PVC, porcelain, metal, glass or other materials. It is generally used in liqueur / generous wines or spirits which when ready for consumption are ready to be consumed.

Personalized Stoppers

This stopper is fully defined by the customer. This product can be in shape and dimension out of the standard, by defined criteria and specificity.

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